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Trackschool Certificates and Diploma

Trackschool Certificates and Diploma​


Trackschool Hours Certificates. Trackschool is our unique homeschooling method. Students who want to earn the first hours certificate must spend 100 hours on their chosen activity, which first must be approved by a Trackschool mentor. Students can earn subsequent certificates for 200 hours, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, and 12800. Email for more information.


The Trackschool Diploma. Trackschool is divided into seven tiers. Completion of the first six tiers are marked on the student's transcript. When a student finished the seventh tier, which corresponds to the 11th and 12th grade, they will receive a diploma marking their completion of their highschool experience. Email for more information.



Highschool ​Honors Associate of Arts


The Highschool Honors AA is a degree that students can complete alongside their traditional highschool work. The title of this general-learning degree is Associate of Arts in Applied Humanities, with a concentration on apologetics and historical Christian theology.

     Parents who are considering this option for their student must contact the current director of Ravenburn College during the first semester of the Freshman year. The work begins the second semester of the Freshman year and continues during the summers and following semesters until the highschool graduation. The work is designed to be done remotely and independently through self-directing readings, viewings, and assignments coupled with biweekly contact sessions with an assigned mentor.

     The best scenario for success for this degree is if the highschool faculty and administration partner with the Ravenburn mentors to provide additional structure, discussion, and encouragement for the students taking advantage of this opportunity. Because of the attention to time management required for success, it is important that students can manage their time well.

     Email for more information.



Poetry Analysis Certificate​


If you enjoy writing poetry and want to improve, one way to do it is to read carefully selected short poetry picked specifically to help aspiring poets study different aspects of the craft. Students receive links to the poetry as well as links to faculty discussing the qualities of the poems. After achieving the first certificate, which is a Level-1 certificate, students can go on to work toward the Level-2 and Level-3 certificates. Level-3 involves writing original poetry. Email for more information.  



Film Analysis Certificate​


If you enjoy watching movies but would like guidance in picking layered films that touch on relevant and complicated issues of the human condition, we can help. We can also set up constellations of films that help you study the history of cinema or the current techniques of casting, pacing, narrative, cinematography, and more. You'll text with mentors about your thoughts on the movies and will have access to our videos on film study.

     Unlink the poetry analysis certificate, this one is completely customizable to the areas the student wants to focus on. After achieving the first certificate, which is a Level-1 certificate, students can go on to work toward the Level-2 and Level-3 certificates. Email for more information.  



Picturebook Production Certificate​


Here we focus on helping aspiring artists or authors develop their craft for entry into the children's picturebook industry. We examine the spectrum of quality, using excellent material while contrasting it with average or mediocre  elements (art, coloring, text size and placement, story, etc.), and we also look at how one goes about developing a storyboard, a proposal, and a potential contract.

     After achieving the first certificate, which is a Level-1 certificate, students can go on to work toward the Level-2 and Level-3 certificates. Email for more information.  



BA in Applied Humanities for Community Impact


This is a general-learning degree designed to help the student understand people and learn how communities (small and large) form and work. The main goal is to develop a working template of community literacy the student can apply locally to the place God calls them to. â€‹

     To that end, this program provides a deep-reading experience using nonfiction books written by secular authors who are professional, and often award-winning, writers. We complement this approach by providing discussion and writing assignments that are centered on the biblical response to the reading.

​     We believe that it will be important for the next generation of ministry leaders to have a firm understanding of, and commitment to, the bi-vocational approach to life. To this end, this degree has a commercial requirement to it that can be met by internships at various small business and non-profit organizations or by the student starting their own small business or NPO.

​     This degree is offered only as a Bachelor of Arts because we believe it is a core foundational degree upon which advanced training with a more specific focus can be built. Ravenburn views this degree as a job-placement program.


Credit Spread​

~Bachelor of Arts (3 to 8 years)

  • 40 practicum credits (land interaction with a commercial aspect)

  • 20 general-learning credits (online or land interaction)

  • 40 credits of reading for cultural perspective (online or land interaction)



~Mentorship Hybrid

  • Students receive a list of credits they must earn instead of classes to take.

  • Content and assignments are chosen by instructor and students.

  • Students complete credits on their own timeline.

  • Students work one-on-one with a Ravenburn mentor.

  • Students have the option to earn some credits via online classes.



~Online or at-distance

  • video streaming

  • recorded lectures (video or audio)

  • regular phone calls

  • texting/messaging

  • email 

  • online learning management systems (Blackboard, Canvas, Google Classroom, etc.)

  • other online apps that allow for real time or asynchronous communication​


Costs and Fees

Final costs are sometime lower than projected costs if an incoming student already has some college credit that may be transferred in. Other factors that can lower costs are self-directed reading, writing or learning experiences within the 12 months directly previous of enrollment that we may be able to translate into college credit.​

     The average cost per credit for BA programs is $100. This is our accreditation agency's number. For us, though, our average cost per credit is $60. We want our total tuition price for the degree to be below $7,200. 

​     There are some other fees involved. Once a year, students must pay $125 for the OLEF accreditation fee. This is paid directly to Open Latch.​

​     Finally, there is a second-year writing portfolio fee that also must be paid directly to OLEF, since they are in charge of the blind review of the essays. This fee is $200.



BA in Applied Humanities for Corporate Stewardship​

This is a general-learning degree designed to help the student understand people and learn how business and organizations run. The visible kingdom of God is made up of different bodies of believers Leadership, communication, and sustainability are key aspects of the degree. And because of the nonfiction narrative books we use as the main components of our pedagogy, the students also pick up high-level reading and writing skills.

​     Additionally, this degree is for people who feel called to work for God in some way outside the recognized vocations of church work. Instead of working at a brick and mortar church, they want to develop instruments of service integrated in the community with the goal of using their placement and connections to eventually spread words of Grace to the community they interact with.​

​     We believe that it will be important for the next generation of ministry leaders to have a firm understanding of, and commitment to, the bi-vocational approach to life. To this end, this degree has a commercial requirement to it that can be met by internships at various small business and non-profit organizations or by the student starting their own small business or NPO.

​     This degree is offered only as a Bachelor of Arts because we believe it is a core foundational degree upon which advanced training with a more specific focus can be built. Ravenburn views this degree as a job-placement program.


Credit Spread​

~Bachelor of Arts (3 to 8 years)

  • 40 practicum credits (land interaction with a commercial aspect)

  • 20 general-learning credits (online or land interaction)

  • 40 credits of reading for cultural perspective (online or land interaction)



~Mentorship Hybrid

  • Students receive a list of credits they must earn instead of classes to take.

  • Content and assignments are chosen by instructor and students.

  • Students complete credits on their own timeline.

  • Students work one-on-one with a Ravenburn mentor.

  • Students have the option to earn some credits via online classes.



~Online or at-distance

  • video streaming

  • recorded lectures (video or audio)

  • regular phone calls

  • texting/messaging

  • email 

  • online learning management systems (Blackboard, Canvas, Google Classroom, etc.)

  • other online apps that allow for real time or asynchronous communication​


Costs and Fees

Final costs are sometime lower than projected costs if an incoming student already has some college credit that may be transferred in. Other factors that can lower costs are self-directed reading, writing or learning experiences within the 12 months directly previous of enrollment that we may be able to translate into college credit.​

     The average cost per credit for BA programs is $100. This is our accreditation agency's number. For us, though, our average cost per credit is $60. We want our total tuition price for the degree to be below $7,200. 

​     There are some other fees involved. Once a year, students must pay $125 for the OLEF accreditation fee. This is paid directly to Open Latch.​

​     Finally, there is a second-year writing portfolio fee that also must be paid directly to OLEF, since they are in charge of the blind review of the essays. This fee is $200.



Highschool Honors AA
Poetry Analysis
Film Analysis
Picturebook Producation
BA, Community Impact
BA, Corporate Stewardship


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